Romspen Ripoff

Romspen Investor Fraud

Are Romspen Investor Fraud Victims Entitled To Compensation?

ATTENTION Romspen Investor Fraud Victims! You May Be Entitled To Compensation For Misrepresentation And Outright Fraud

Romspen Withholds Partial RedemptionATTENTION ROMSPEN INVESTOR FRAUD VICTIMS! Did you invest your pension or retirement savings with a fund controlled by Romspen Investment Corporation? Do you want answers for the following questions:

  • Why has Romspen deprived you your full investor redemption payments for nearly half a decade?
  • Why are Romspen executives are sitting high on the hog? Yet, Romspen hasn’t paid you your full investor redemptions in over 5 years?
  • Romspen’s financial filings with the Canadian government show Romspen has had an 8% profit every since 2019. Yet, they won’t pay you your full investor redemptions?
  • Why is Romspen using your investment to fund projects that do not create revenue? 
  • How much money is Romspen paying it’s managers in bonuses and commissions? 

Mortgage fraud investigation website is assisting Romspen investors. is matching victims with consumer advocate attorneys to bring litigation against Romspen. Why? So, elderly Romspen investors in the U.S. and Canada can get answers! is in the process of recruiting attorneys in the U.S. and Canada help some of Romspen’s most vulnerable investors get their money from Romspen. 

How Romspen is Scamming Grandma And Grandpa

Romspen Investor Fraud
Romspen Investment Corporation’s financial house of cards could soon collapse!

Canadian and American retirees are always prowling the internet for ways to enhance their fixed incomes. Retirees are old school and believe real estate is a safe investment even after experiencing the financial crisis of 2008.

So, they look for companies that promise big returns on real estate. Soon they find the slick packaging from Toronto-based Romspen and their affiliated brokers like BridgeInvest and Eyzenberg & Company in Miami with promises of big payoffs. 

Long story short, Romspen and their partners get these inexperienced investors all excited over the promise of big returns. The seniors fall for it and then throw their life savings at Romspen.

Unfortunately and unbeknownst to grandma and grandpa, Romspen on the surface appears to be a Ponzi scheme. However, it’s a little more complicated as to why Romspen fails to pay their investor redemptions. 

Romspen’s current business model relies heavily on a steady flow of fresh flow of investor cash. This is because they need to pay investor redemptions to previous commercial loan investors. Yes, we know, it’s sounds like a Ponzi scheme.

The reason for this is pretty easy. The majority of the loans made by Romspen have gone into default due to the company’s “Loan-To-Own” scheme. As a result, the vast majority of their defaulted loans get tied up in endless litigation. Thus, not generating revenue for Romspen and Romspen investors not getting paid. 

It’s no surprise that Romspen investors are getting aggravated with Romspen executives. Investors haven’t received a full redemption payment since April of 2020. 

Romspen Is Scamming Grandma And Grandpa By Lending Money On Projects That Don’t Generate Revenue

Romspen Is Scamming Grandma
Romspen is throwing money at projects that don’t generate any revenue.

The reason why Romspen doesn’t fully pay investor redemptions is simply because they don’t have the cash. But, why? Simply put, Romspen is lending against projects that don’t generate any revenue or income.

The borrowers aren’t going to pay back the principal and interest until they can develop the project. That could take nearly a decade. 

Braden Maccke at Deep Dive pointed this out a year ago:

“Romspen is lending against projects that don’t generate any income! The borrowers aren’t going to pay back the principal and interest until they can develop the project, then sell it, or borrow against it at a higher valuation!”

Elderly Romspen investors have become so angry, they have gotten together on the internet and have christened the company, “Rob ‘Em And Spend.” 

Check Out These Government Websites If You Feel You Are A Victim Of Investment Fraud By Romspen:

How To File A Complaint In Canada:

Contact The Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) At 1.877.442.4322 For More Information. You Can Also Email Them At

If That Doesn’t Work, Contact Finance Minister Dominic LeBlanc:

You Can Also Contact His Office On Parliament Hill At 613-992-1020 Or His Office At His New Brunswick Office at 506-533-5700.

If All Else Fails, Contact Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre’s Office In Ottawa:


Call His Office At 613.992.2772 (Parliament Hill) or 613.692.3331.

If You Are An American Citizen. Contact These Federal Agencies:

You Can File A Complaint With The Securities And Exchange Commission By Clicking Here.

Also, You Can File A Complaint With The Federal Trade Commission By Clicking Here

In Addition, You Can File A Complaint With FINRA By Clicking Here

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