Romspen Ripoff

illinois lawyer Christian Poland

Romspen Lawyer Christian Poland Under 2nd Ethics Investigation

Romspen Lawyer Christian Poland Under 2nd Ethics Investigation. Illinois State Bar Association Investigating Claims He Unethically Harassed Opposing Counsel

Romspen Lawyer Christian Poland
Christian Poland with his island friend on a recent trip to Miami

Have you been following the psychotic antics of Romspen lawyer Christian Poland? You’ll love this latest news. The Illinois State Bar Association has launched an investigation into Poland’s unethical behavior. Namely, they are investigating his tactic of harassing opposing counsel with a blitzkrieg of spam emails and frivolous motions.

This the second bar investigation against Christian Poland in 3 months. The first dealt with him committing unlicensed practice of law in Florida last year. 

MFI-Miami founder Steve Dibert filed the complaint with the Illinois Bar last month. Dibert asks the Illinois Bar to determine if Christian Poland has the mental dexterity to be a competent lawyer. The Romspen lawyer’s behavior suggests either mental health or a substance problems.

chicago lawyer Christian PolandMFI-Miami sent the Illinois Bar examples of Christian Poland’s erratic and borderline psychotic behavior. Along ruling from Illinois Federal Magistrate Judge Jeffrey Cole chastising Poland for his behavior. Judge Cole also pointed out the same issues that Dibert mentioned in his complaint to the Illinois Bar.  

Mr. Poland’s unprofessional behavior consists of bombarding MFI-Miami’s legal counsel with tsunami of 25-50 emails a day. 

In addition, Poland also bombarded MFI-Miami’s former Jewish counsel with dozens of emails during the high holy days. Poland knew she was out of the office to observe Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. Dibert wrote in his bar complaint:

I find Mr. Poland’s harassment of my former attorney highly offensive and borderline antisemitic.

Blitzkrieg Of Late Night Emails

illinois lawyer Christian PolandThe Illinois Bar is also investigating Mr. Poland’s disturbing habit of send late night emails to MFI-Miami’s lawyers. Poland sent nearly half his emails between 8:00pm and 11:00pm. 

Dibert also stated, “Aside from being unprofessionally demanding, the emails are sexist and condescending.” 

Mr. Poland’s constant blitzkrieg of emails and harassment eventually forced my lawyer to withdraw from my case.

This case calls into question his mental fitness to practice law in Illinois or anywhere else for that matter.

Mr. Poland has also attempted to communicate with MFI-Miami Founder Steve Dibert. 

The first being on January 5, 2024 at 12:02am (11:02 PM January 4th Central). The second time was when he carbon copied Dibert in an email to Dibert’s lawyer. Poland even sent Dibert a late night email on Friday, November 8, 2024 at 10:38 pm (9:38pm Central).

Christian Poland is member of the State Bars of California and Illinois. If you wish to file a complaint regarding his conduct, go to these websites:


The State Bar of California


The Illinois State Bar Association

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